Mapping out your Workflow (and why workflow diagrams are so important when introducing automation)

September 19, 2022
WorkflowsAutomationProject Management


Workflow diagrams are a vital step in planning successful automation projects. Workflow diagrams help to identify what can be automated and where, which reduces the need for additional resources and helps streamline processes. It also allows you to map current workflow processes before introducing automation opportunities, allowing everyone on your team to understand the potential impact of any change.

Automation is about doing more with less, which is essential in today's challenging business world

Automation is about doing more with less, which is essential in today's challenging business world. It can help you save time, improve efficiency and quality—all of which are important to any organization.Automation is also about reducing the cost of doing business and increasing your competitive advantage. It allows you to focus on more important tasks, like strategy and innovation.

Eliminating repetitive tasks also reduces errors and improves data accuracy.

Eliminating repetitive tasks also reduces errors and improves data accuracy.

Automation saves time, which means you can spend more on other things—like your company's product or service offering.

However, if you're not careful about what kinds of tasks get automated and how they're implemented, automation can become an expensive mistake that costs more than it saves in terms of time spent fixing mistakes or creating unnecessary workarounds.

Workflow diagrams are a vital step in planning successful automation projects.

Workflow diagrams are a vital step in planning successful automation projects. They show the steps in a process, both manual and automated, and help identify opportunities for automation. Workflow diagrams also help identify where automation is not required, or how it will be implemented.

Workflow diagrams can be created using any number of tools, from Airtable to Excel to FigJam to Visio (and beyond). The key is knowing what information you need from your workflow so that you don’t waste time creating unnecessary slides or other graphics that aren't necessary for understanding how things work together.

Mapping current workflow processes before introducing automation opportunities helps identify what can be automated and where.

Having a strong understanding of your current workflow processes prior to introducing automation is critical for success. The diagram will help you identify what can be automated and where.

A workflow diagram is a visual representation of the process flow from beginning to end, allowing you to visually see how each step in the process contributes to completing tasks at hand. A well-mapped out process can help identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies and other issues that may need attention if implemented using automation tools.


Workflow diagrams make it easier to communicate process changes to all stakeholders

Workflow diagrams are a visual representation of how processes work, and they help you to identify where automation opportunities exist.

Workflow diagrams also allow people outside your organization—such as customers or partners—to understand exactly what their role is within the company's overall process flow. You'll know exactly how they fit into the bigger picture by looking at them through this lens!


I hope you’ve found this article useful in your journey to introduce automation. Workflow diagrams are an essential tool in the toolbox of any business seeking to automate processes, so it's important that they're used correctly and understood by all stakeholders involved. If you've got any questions about how I can help you with your workflow diagramming needs, don't hesitate to contact me!