Unpacking Jira Terminology: Epics, Stories, Bugs, Tasks, and Issues

March 4, 2023
JiraSoftware DevelopmentProject ManagementAgile

Understanding Jira's terminology is key to leveraging the platform effectively for project management. In this post, we will clarify the definitions of Epics, Stories, Bugs, Tasks, and Issues—terms you are likely to encounter regularly while using Jira.


"Issue" is a broad term that refers to any unit of work to be done. An issue in Jira might be a task, a story, a bug, or an epic that needs to be implemented or resolved within a project. The term "issue" is often used interchangeably with "ticket."

Issues help teams organize, track, and manage their work effectively. They provide a way to break down a project into manageable parts and track each part's progress from start to finish.


A story, also known as a user story, is a concise description of a software feature from the perspective of an end user. It's typically framed in the following format: "As a [type of user], I want [a goal] so that [benefit or reason]." User stories are a cornerstone of Agile development, providing clear insights into what a specific feature should accomplish and why it's valuable.

In my project, user stories are added to sprints, along with tasks and bugs. If tasks associated with a user story span multiple sprints, the story issue should be added to the last sprint. It is then closed by the scrum master (that’s me!) once all requirements are met.

Incorporating user stories into sprints brings several benefits to both the product team and stakeholders:

  • Prioritization: User stories help prioritize the work that needs to be done based on user value. This ensures that the most important features or functionalities are developed first.
  • Clarity and Communication: User stories offer a clear, concise way of communicating what needs to be done, fostering a shared understanding of the product and its features among all team members and stakeholders.
  • Measurement and Progress Tracking: User stories also offer a means of tracking project progress. By completing user stories, teams can demonstrate what has been accomplished and what work remains.


An epic in Jira is essentially a large user story that is too complex to be completed within a single sprint. Therefore, it must be broken down into smaller user stories or tasks. Epics are often used to capture broad requirements or features that will require a significant amount of time and effort to complete.


A task is the smallest unit of work that a team can commit to in a sprint. Tasks often represent specific aspects of the implementation of a user story or an epic. For example, writing a particular piece of code might be identified as a task within a larger user story.


In the realm of software development, a bug refers to a defect or problem in the software that causes it to behave unexpectedly or incorrectly. Bugs are often identified during testing or reported by users after a feature has been deployed. They are then prioritized for fixing by the product team based on severity and impact on user experience.


Understanding these terms will help you get the most out of Jira and aid in your project management efforts. Whether you're developing new features, fixing bugs, or managing tasks, the effective use of Jira's terminology will ensure that everyone on your team is on the same page.
